
葡萄牙雙城一周自由行電子書 7-Day Itinerary In Portugal eBook

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葡萄牙雙城一周自由行電子書 7-Day Itinerary In Portugal eBook


(English below)

我是Jason,準備好展開一場浪漫又迷人的葡萄牙冒險了嗎?這次我安排了一趟 七天六夜的自由行,要帶你探索兩座風格截然不同,卻同樣令人著迷的城市:里斯本(Lisbon)與波多(Porto)。

里斯本充滿活力與歷史氣息。可以逛逛熱鬧的上城區(Bairro Alto)、漫步在懷舊風情巷弄的阿爾法瑪區(Alfama)、搭上經典的黃色28號電車穿梭古老街區、充滿歷史氛圍的貝倫區(Belém),當然不能錯過酥脆與濃郁的口感的百年葡式蛋塔!

前往北部的第二大城波多走訪被譽為《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)靈感起源地的萊羅書店(Livraria Lello)、世界最美車站之一的聖本篤車站(São Bento),壯觀的藍白瓷磚壁畫令人屏息!別忘了在杜羅河畔(Douro River)品嚐一杯經典的波特酒(Port Wine),感受這座城市的獨特韻味。




Hi! I’m Jason. Are you ready for a romantic and charming adventure in Portugal?

I’ve planned a one-week travel paln to explore two cities with very different vibes, but both equally fascinating — Lisbon and Porto.

Lisbon is full of energy and rich history. You can explore the lively Bairro Alto, wander through the nostalgic alleys of Alfama, hop on the classic yellow Tram 28 through old neighborhoods, and visit the historic Belém district. And don’t miss the famous Portuguese egg tart, crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside, it’s truly unforgettable!

Then, head north to Portugal’s second-largest city Porto. Visit the magical Livraria Lello, known as one of the inspirations for Harry Potter, and the stunning São Bento Station, one of the most beautiful train stations in the world, decorated with breathtaking blue-and-white tile murals. To top it off, enjoy a glass of classic Port Wine by the Douro River.

If you’re considering a visit to Portugal, check out my itinerary!

📌 What’s included:
⭐️ A week travel plan
⭐️ Tickets that require prior booking
⭐️ My personal hostel recommendations
⭐️ Must-try food and restaurant recommendations
⭐️ Transportation tips for airport and inner city

The suggested schedule is for reference only, please adjust according to your own pace.
Opening hours for attractions may vary, so please check the latest local information.
When traveling, take good care of your belongings.
Enjoy your trip and return home safely!

Note: All sales are no refunds available. Thank you for your understanding.

This itinerary is created by Jason, thank you for your support!
If you enjoy my content, feel free to leave a tip and support my work!

📩 Contact: jason60475@gmail.com

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